To be real here, I am not the best at walking “gracefully”. So, when I was asked to be a role model for the Girls United + Free Fashion show, my first reaction was, “YES! I would love to be a part of that!” Quickly followed by my second reaction of, “why in the world did I sign up for this, I can barely walk in flats let alone heels?!?”
I was nervous, even at the rehearsal for the fashion show; but when I noticed all the different ages, body shapes, and skin colors that were being represented I felt SO free. It is exactly how I imagine heaven to be! It was so exciting to be a part of a fashion show whose goal was to showcase how God created our bodies uniquely beautiful, but He gives us hearts and souls that are meant to RADIATE with His glory!
At the actual day of the event, after we all got “glammed up,” we all took hands and prayed. How powerful it was to be united with other women who wanted to showcase God’s creations! After going on the runway, honestly, all I can remember is smiling at all the people in the crowd. I will never forget this night!!!